


A Nordic-Baltic CyberSkills Think Tank

Our Goal with the Think Tank

Welcome to the Nordic-Baltic CyberSkills Think Tank. Our aim is to unite forces across the Nordic and Baltic Regions to bridge our knowledge and resources, concerning the cybersecurity skills gap and try together to build our digital resilience. We hope to start the journey of building a thriving ecosystem across borders for cyber security pra, working hand-in-hand to secure better cyber security skilling.

Who is Part of the Think Tank

Our Think Tank aim to build a network of hands-on practitioners, experts, educators, and profiles from public institutions from the Nordic and Baltic regions, who each has valuable knowledge and know-how to contribute with when it comes to skilling. Our aim is to represent areas of expertise within cybersecurity as governance, risk, compliance and the technical part of security.

What activities will take place in the Think Tank?

We want to establish a Think Tank with different “task force” groups with the purpose to share knowledge and try to identify best practice, pooling resources, and collaborating on skilling solutions. We hosted our yearly seminar for the members in Aarhus, in August 2024.

An Initiative Born in the City of Aarhus – Supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers

The Nordic-Baltic CyberSkills Think Tank is not just any initiative; it has its roots in the vibrant and forward-thinking city Aarhus. A city that can be defined as a thriving hub of cyber security, thus Aarhus provides the perfect backdrop for growing the Think Tank.

Aarhus has a strong tech community, world-class university, and a commitment to security. The Municipality of Aarhus, Security Tech Space and Happy42 has therefore played a vital role in propelling the initiative forward.

The initiative became a reality because the Nordic Council of Ministers decided to support the mission!

How Can You Participate/Be Involved?

Yes, we want you to join us in shaping the future of cybersecurity skilling!

The more who will gain benefit of the knowledge the better.

Whether you are an educator, a cybersecurity professional, a youngster or a policy maker – you are welcome to join our mission. We will host activities open for all, hence you will be able to engage with us through our online events and seminars and the resources and learning we publish, will be publicly available on this site. If you want to get news on when the next event is taking place, please subscribe to the mailing list. The members of the think tank will be a limited selection, but if you have recommendations for a profile from your country – that you think should be a member, do tip us!

We Focus on Knowledge Sharing in the Think Tank:

Knowledge sharing is at the heart of our mission. On this site, material will be accessible to all – where we want insights, research, and best practices in cyber security skilling to flourish. A number of the workshops, collaborative projects, and webinars will be open to all, and some are exclusive for the members of the Think Tank, so remember to subscribe to the newsletter to get updates.


Members of the Think Tank

Linda M. Pedersen

Linda M. Pedersen

Partner, Happy 42


Peer H. Kristensen

Peer H. Kristensen

CEO, Security Tech Space


Pernilla Nordström

Pernilla Nordström

Partner, Implement Consulting Group


Grete Kodi

Grete Kodi

Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Estonia, Advisor


Nils Kalstad

Nils Kalstad

Director, NTNU Samfunnssikkerhet


Emil Hørning

Emil Hørning

IT Security Specialist, TDC Net


Jens Myrup Pedersen

Jens Myrup Pedersen

Professor, Aalborg Universitet


Peter Sund

Peter Sund

CEO, Finnish Information Security Cluster (FISC)


Eli Sofie Finnøy Amdam

Eli Sofie Finnøy Amdam

Director, Advisense


Jessica Garpvall

Jessica Garpvall

Senior Cyber Security Consultant, Implement Consulting Group


Lars Blomgaard

Lars Blomgaard

Senior Cyber Security Consultant, DUBEX


Mikael Ekman

Mikael Ekman

Head of Policy, Microsoft


Janne Merete Hagen

Janne Merete Hagen

Associate Professor, University of Oslo


Cecilia Leveaux

Cecilia Leveaux

Senior Advisor


Ranie E. Tomter

Ranie E. Tomter

Colonel, Cyberingeniørskolen


Marianne Hove Solberg

Marianne Hove Solberg

CISO, SpareBank 1 SMN


 Gunnar Karlsson

Gunnar Karlsson

Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Birgy Lorenz

Birgy Lorenz

Senior scientist/Vice-dean of BA, School of Information Technologies


Siim Alatalu

Siim Alatalu

Ambassador at NATO CCDCOE


Sara Paninnguaq Lundblad

Sara Paninnguaq Lundblad

Head of section, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen


Mario Mäeots

Mario Mäeots

Digital Learning Content Developer and Trainer CTF Tech


Tiina Pau

Tiina Pau

Expert-Coordinator, Estonian Information System Authority


Alan Sewell

Alan Sewell

Military Teacher, Cyber Operations, Swedish Defence University


Valtteri Vuorisalo

Valtteri Vuorisalo

Professor of Practice (National Security)


Rico-Andreas Lepp

Rico-Andreas Lepp

Junior Security Engineer, Cybernetica


Kristina Sætre Kataki

Kristina Sætre Kataki



Anu Laitila

Anu Laitila

Manager, Risk Advisory, Deloitte


Alo Peets

Alo Peets

Junior Lecturer in Computer Security, University of Tartu


Jonna Kalermo-Poranen

Jonna Kalermo-Poranen

Head of Education and Research, School of Technology, KAMK


Jóhanna Vigdís Guðmundsdóttir

Jóhanna Vigdís Guðmundsdóttir

Co-Founder & CRO Defend Iceland Cybersecurity


Juuso Laine

Juuso Laine

Information Networks Student, Aalto University


Hjörtur Pálmi Pálsson

Hjörtur Pálmi Pálsson

Head of Community and Cybersecurity at Defend Iceland


Piotr Ucinski

Piotr Ucinski



Luccas Constantin-Sukul

Luccas Constantin-Sukul

Student, Aarhus University


Kristian Kjær Larsen

Kristian Kjær Larsen

Co-Founder, Campfire Security


Line Gerstrand

Line Gerstrand

Head of Development, Security Tech Space


Sanita Vītola

Sanita Vītola

Cybersecurity Expert, CERT.LV


Jacqueline Mallett

Jacqueline Mallett

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Dept.,Reykjavik University


Linda Vitkaua

Linda Vitkaua

IT Project Manager and Head of the Cybersecurity Project SectionCyber Security Policy Dept.


Contact us

If you want further information about the think tank, please contact Project Lead, Linda Pedersen at