
Revolutionizing Cybersecurity Education Through Gamification


As digital threats continue to evolve, the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals is more critical than ever. GameSS (Gamification and Education for Secure Software) is a project aimed at addressing this growing demand by innovating how cybersecurity is taught and learned. By making use of gamification and collaboration, GameSS aims to teach how secure software development is understood and practiced.


GameSS brings together leading cybersecurity experts from 4 universities, 5 Business Academies, and 5 industrial organizations to create a cybersecurity education materials. The project focuses on growing collaboration across multiple stakeholders, developing new courses and training for IT users and professionals, and focusing on the defensive mindset in relation to cybersecurity – something existing educational materials do not really emphasize. 

Training approach  

The initiative also stands out for its approach to gamifying education, using the Haaukins platform to create virtual labs where participants can engage in hands-on learning experiences. By incorporating gamification elements such as point systems and competitive challenges, GameSS aims to motivate learners to participate in a new and interactive way.  

GameSS offers 16 new modules

GameSS will offer 16 new modules on critical topics like security by design, personal security online, and usable security, alongside 40 Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges to make learning more dynamic.  


To learn more about GameSS and their journey to create competence building in cybersecurity visit their website 

Contact Person 

Linda Mostrup Pedersen

Partner, Happy42